Sunday, August 31

Chris Rock parody

Yes, Social Media Specialist is my job. No, that doesn't mean I can't unplug from my personal accounts. But it does make me appreciate the great writers out there who use Social Media as an outlet!

There are some accounts - like this @ozChrisRock parody - that have me laughing (and wishing) I could write the same posts personally and professionally.

Here are some highlights -
  • You should be required to read a book for every 10 selfies you take. 

  • I wished I loved anything as much as white people love saying "gracias" at Mexican restaurants. 

  • Sir. Your burrito is $4.97. With guacamole, your total comes to $286,932.79 

  • Don't worry if someone doesn't text you back. Most people only check their phones every 5 seconds all day long. 

  • Instead of going to Starbucks, I like to make my own coffee, yell my name out incorrectly, and then light a $5 bill on fire. 

  • If a woman watches a movie alone, who answers all of her questions? 

  • Sorry I didn't recognize you. I've only seen you on Instagram so I was looking for the person wearing 3 filters and an inspirational quote. 

  • Selfie - (ˈselfē) noun: a picture taken of yourself to show strangers on the internet that you have no friends to take pictures of you 

  • You only live once, so don't forget to spend 15 hours every day on the internet, desperately searching for the validation of strangers. 

  • Before you get married ask yourself: is this the person you want to watch stare at their phone the rest of your life? 

  • Sometimes I wonder if all of America isn't just a reality show being produced for the entertainment of the rest of the world. 

  • Mistakes married men make: Doing things. Not doing things. Thinking about doing things. Not thinking about doing things.

And my favorite one, that I also have framed in my office:

Facebook is down. Twitter is down. Instagram is down.
Worker productivity rises.

U.S. climbs out of recession.

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