Monday, May 23

Nicki Minaj

Do marry your job, at least temporarily. 
It’s important that at some point in your life you really focus on your career, almost to the point of insanity. 
You’ll never get this time back. 
You have to want it so bad that you wake up in the morning and you think about it, live it, breathe it, eat it, and see it all day. 
After you’ve accomplished a couple of things, THEN take a moment. 
Work and work for those first years, and them come out of the matrix a little bit and take a freaking vacation. 

[Quote: Glamour / Photos: Robert Cavalli] 

Thursday, May 5

What the Selfie Hath Wrought

Written by Alexandra Fiber and Danielle Gibson 

  1. The Wealfie: a selfie to flaunt your income. Now we know what the inside of a $16 million private jet looks like. 
  2. The Nobelfie: taken while doing good deeds, like volunteer work or hanging out with your little brother. 
  3. The Shelfie: typically a Diptyque candle, a colorful array of books, a bouquet of white roses, and a Paris is Always a Good Idea print. 
  4. The Giselefie: allies only to Gisele; mere mortals need not attempt. 
  5. The Sellfie: sponsored by a brand (we know you’re making money off this ‘gram!). 
  6. The Intellfie: selfie with glasses - you know, to make ya look smart. 
  7. Le Tour Eiffelfie: WE GET IT, YOU’RE IN PARIS.