Monday, August 29

Maybe Baby

There used to be 2 response options to an invite: Yes or No. With Evite and FB events, Maybe is the go-to reply. Over-replying on this wishy-washy word can undermine decision making, fray relationships, and suck the excitement out of events. It’s a verbal equivalent to a slap and a cop out. 

* Using Maybe to keep your plans open until the last minute also denies you the enjoyment of anticipating a party or event. When you look forward to something beforehand, research shows that you have more fun! Say what you really mean instead of automatically going with Maybe. It’s more respectful of the person who invited you. – Belisa Vranich, PsyD

**When you tell someone Maybe, they often think you’re saying that they’re not important enough for you to commit to right away. Over time, it can damage trust. – Gerald Goodman, PhD

Let your Yes be YES, and your No mean NO. The Maybe box for any of my invitations is forever scratched out and not a valid option! I won’t enable lukewarm flakey tendencies anymore. Show some respect, and make promises you can keep. Any future lukewarm Maybe babies will be spit out!

And if you need Biblical back-up, just reference - "Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one." (Matthew 5:37 NKJV)

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