Sunday, May 8

Warning to the Wed

Some words of advice from the hilarious Robert Verdi, TV personality and style expert...

Brides: Those really beautiful big full wedding veils can make the moment you walk down the aisle more romantic and sweet… But it should not be one where people think – What the heck is she wearing? What is that? She looks like she’s out of Africa. You don’t want her to get bitten by any of these 'rare bugs' that you might find here at the country club.

Grooms: If you are old enough to get married, you are old enough to BUY a suit! Whether it’s a tuxedo or a well-tailored suit, don’t rent something that hundreds of other guys spent their special day in. You are a grown man - It's time to buy it.

Guests: Don’t dress too sexy. It’s not a night club. You’re not just there to party like Woo Hoo! Wild on Weddings!!

Wedding Party: Taking the edge off doesn’t mean you have to go over the edge. Keep your drinking to a minimum if at all. Weddings should be a joy for everyone in attendance, not a complete joke.

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