Monday, September 16

Impossible Combination

Welcome to the A List... 

Paparazzi know her by first name, and fashion blogs have started tracking her every outfit.

But even though life for Zoe Saldana has changed dramatically post-Avatar, there are some things that will always stay the same –
not least of all her values and loyalty toward her loved ones.

Saldana is more than simply legit.

She is, in J.J. Abrams words,
an “impossible combination of strength and beauty, and wit and humor.” 

- Latina Magazine feature - 

Monday, September 2

Words of a Shoemaker

High heels are sexy because you have to move more slowly in heels.

Walking fast is neither sexy nor engaging.

Nobody notices the people who race around.

If you're walking in heels, you've got time.

It's much more attractive.

All in all, shoes are just a pedestal.

What interests me is the power of the woman who wears them.

[Christian Louboutin]