Monday, December 21

LC's 1st Year

If the first year of marriage is supposed to be rocky, Lauren Conrad hasn’t noticed. 
“It’s funny, everyone is like, ‘Is it different?’ I feel like I’m disappointing them. The only difference is, there is more of a sense of family. You solidified the fact that you are partners in life.” 
The only other difference has less to do with them and everything to do with other people. 
“The second you get married, people think it’s okay to ask if you’re pregnant!” she says. “It’s kind of a rude question - I would never ask one of my friends if she was pregnant.” To clarify… she is not: “I mean, we’re still very new, and we’re very content.”
The couple plays to each other’s strengths. 
“He’s much more organized than me,” she says. “He knows how to fix everything, which is crazy to me because I can’t even work our remote. I just push all the buttons and hit it. But he’ll organize my computer and be like, “I updated your software.” 
She swoons. 
“I’m like, ‘I have the most romantic husband in the world.I didn’t even ask you to do that!’ It’s nice to be taken care of sometimes - not in a dependent way but just doing nice things for each other without being asked.” 
(Adapted from Cosmopolitan article)

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