Saturday, December 5

Bridesmaid/Wedding Singer

Weddings are glorious. Fortunately, I've been asked to be the wedding singer AND a bridesmaid at several important ones..  My childhood friend - Check! My two younger sisters - Double check! As I prepare for my first role as Mrs. of Honor (Matron of Honor just sounds horrible) next Spring, I'm reminded of all the duties that come along with it. 

7 Things Every Bridesmaid Wishes She Could Say but Can’t 
  1. “IhatethisdressIhatethisdressIhatethisdressIhatethisdress.”
  2. “Vegas? For a bridal shower? You’ve got to be effing kidding.”
  3. “You #dont #need #a #wedding #hashtag #two #years #in #advance.”
  4. “Just tell me which groomsman is good in bed. I know you know.”
  5. “Sorry, basic question: Why, in 2015, do eight grown women need to match?”
  6. “Something  old, something new, something - uh, no, you can’t borrow that.”
  7. “The only fun part of this was seeing you so ridiculously happy.”

by Alexandra Fiber and Danielle Gibson (Glamour, June 2015) 

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