Anne Hathaway: Les Miserables is a musical that follows the story of a former prisoner who is hunted for decades by a cold-hearted policeman. Their lives change forever when the fugitive agrees to care for a factory worker’s young daughter.
Hugh Jackman: That’s the traditional description… but we’d like to describe it in more 2013 movie terms – Wolverine is being chased by Gladiator.
Anne: Catwoman gets knocked up and for some ungodly reason goes to see Bella Tricks the strange from Harry Potter and Borat.
Hugh: Then, Wolverine agrees to raise Catwoman’s baby.
Anne: And she grows up to star in Mama Mia.
Hugh: Check it out. See if we nailed it.
Anne: I think we crushed it!
[As presented at the 2013 SAG Awards]