Wednesday, February 20

Les Miserables recap

Anne Hathaway: Les Miserables is a musical that follows the story of a former prisoner who is hunted for decades by a cold-hearted policeman. Their lives change forever when the fugitive agrees to care for a factory worker’s young daughter.
Hugh Jackman: That’s the traditional description… but we’d like to describe it in more 2013 movie terms – Wolverine is being chased by Gladiator.
Anne: Catwoman gets knocked up and for some ungodly reason goes to see Bella Tricks the strange from Harry Potter and Borat.
Hugh: Then, Wolverine agrees to raise Catwoman’s baby.
Anne: And she grows up to star in Mama Mia.
Hugh: Check it out. See if we nailed it.
Anne: I think we crushed it!
[As presented at the 2013 SAG Awards]

Wednesday, February 13

Marriage Graph

I've come to see that sex is the thin, hot line
that divides dear friends from spouses.

It will spike, dip, and wobble over time... 
but it's a key lifeline on the marriage graph.

(Agnes Dawson)