'Tis the season... where EVERYONE has reason to be in costume! Whether people celebrate Harvest and dust off their best Bible day get-ups, rock so much Orange that they rival Garfield, or go downright outrageous, I'm a fan. My favorite types of costume bashes are ones that require a bit of thought. This year, I hosted one such festivity: Come dressed as your favorite Dead Celebrity. There was no blood and gore at my party though! We opted for witty decor that included Heaven (white tulle and gold lame), Confession Booth & Purgatory (cozy rooms with candles galore), and "the other place" (where the dance floor and cocktails were served). My co-host and I dressed as Angels and gave tours throughout Eternity. How can you refuse to come when you receive the following invitation... ?
On the eve of Saturday, the 30th of October
An array of famous faces will at 7PM gatherThey need not beg for candy with children on the street
Instead, they will drink, dine, and dance... mostly on beat.YOU are invited, along with several guests if you dare.
Please also bring a delectable snack or beverage to share."No costume, No entry" is the theme for the night.
So come dressed as a Celebrity... who has since walked toward the light.From ashes to ashes and dust to dust,
Famous Hotties we once were, but party on forever - We must!